
標題: [討論] 研究報告指Apple.Android 用戶大不同!「果粉」較情緒化謙卑度較低 [打印本頁]

作者: 香港朋友    時間: 2018-9-20 12:23 PM     標題: [討論] 研究報告指Apple.Android 用戶大不同!「果粉」較情緒化謙卑度較低

本帖最後由 香港朋友 於 2018-9-20 12:38 PM 編輯

研究計劃由英國 University of Lincoln、Lancaster University 以及 University of Hertfordshire,於 2016 年開始合作進行。計劃訪問了 530 名 iPhone 以及 Android 智能手機用戶,研究他們在個人以及其對智能手機的態度有什麼分別。結果發現,iPhone 用戶在量度個人真誠、誠實和忠誠的「honesty-humility」指標上水平較低,而「emotionality」就更強,顯示果粉更爲情緒化,個性較外向、喜歡社交活動,會視手機為「身分與地位的象徵」。相反,Android 用戶性格較誠實、隨和,同時對財富與社會地位的興趣較低,較少為謀取私利而違規。而數據亦顯示 Android 用戶較年長,多為男性。

有趣的是,研究人員用以上的數據設計了一個程式,專門推測人們使用的是哪一個系統的智能手機。結果程式的準確度竟然達到 70%,調查結果已刊於美國知名學術期刊《Cyberpsychology, Behaviour, and Social Networking》。


Predicting Smartphone Operating System from Personality and Individual Differences

Android and iPhone devices account for over 90 percent of all smartphones sold worldwide. Despite being very similar in functionality, current discourse and marketing campaigns suggest that key individual differences exist between users of these two devices; however, this has never been investigated empirically. This is surprising, as smartphones continue to gain momentum across a variety of research disciplines. In this article, we consider if individual differences exist between these two distinct groups. In comparison to Android users, we found that iPhone owners are more likely to be female, younger, and increasingly concerned about their smartphone being viewed as a status object. Key differences in personality were also observed with iPhone users displaying lower levels of Honesty–Humility and higher levels of emotionality. Following this analysis, we were also able to build and test a model that predicted smartphone ownership at above chance level based on these individual differences. In line with extended self-theory, the type of smartphone owned provides some valuable information about its owner. These findings have implications for the increasing use of smartphones within research particularly for those working within Computational Social Science and PsychoInformatics, where data are typically collected from devices and applications running a single smartphone operating system.



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